Innovative Services

Nuremberg is known for its strong growth in service sector. 33% of the economic performance delivered in Nuremberg is based on business-related services as well as financial, insurance and real estate. Discover JOSEPHS Open Lab where innovative ideas for future services and products are developed.

The city is closely linked with market research and opinion research. Around one-sixth of the 15,000 German market researchers work in Nuremberg.

Cradle of market research

Without exaggeration, the Franconian metropolis can be described as the “cradle” of market research in Germany. Market research was more or less invented here in the 1920s, when Prof. Wilhelm Vershofen in close cooperation with the consumer goods industry set up a method and organization system for representative determination of the consumption needs of the German population.

Today, the Economics Department of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg ranks as the most important present-day source of expertise and is recognized as one of Germany’s leading hotbeds for market researchers.

City of Nuremberg
Economic Development

Karin Forster

Telephone +49 (0)911 / 231 - 57 94

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