Vortrag in Englisch: "Robert Burns und Europa" am 10.01.2025
Talk in English by Professor Gerard Carruthers from the University of Glasgow
Professor Carruther's talk provides some insights into Robert Burns' life story and shows how he, as the son of a farmer, became the "national poet of Scotland".
Most of all the talk looks at Burns's thoughts about Europe in the 1790s following the French Revolution, as well as the way in which Europe has treated the poet over the past two hundred and thirty years. Some especial attention is paid to his most important German critic, Hans Hecht.
There will also be time for your questions.
Gerard Carruthers
is Francis Hutcheson Professor of Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and an Honorary Fellow of the World Burns Federation, of the English Association and of the Association for Scottish Literature. He holds a visiting Professorship in English at UESTC (Chengdu) and is on the Advisory Board for the Centre for Book History (Beijing University of Economics & Finance). He has held visiting research posts at All Souls (Oxford), Otago (New Zealand), and at the universities of South Carolina and Wyoming. His external research funding amounts to £2.5M, and he acts in an advisory capacity to publishers, research committees, heritage organisations, to national and international organisations (including auction houses where he advises on authenticity and forgery). He is a frequent contributor to television, radio and the newspapers. General Editor of the multi-volume Oxford University Press edition of the works of Robert Burns, he is author or editor of 26 books and over 200 academic articles. In 2007, he founded the Centre for Robert Burns Studies, which won the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2023. He is Honorary Advisor to the National Trust for Scotland on Burns, a trustee at Ellisland Museum and Farm, serves on the Research & Ethics committee of Paisley Museum Reimagined and on the Joint Advisory Group at Abbotsford (home & library of Walter Scott). He has given dozens of lectures on Robert Burns and other topics across four continents
Talk in English "Robert Burns and Europe"
Freitag, 10. Januar 2025 um 17 Uhr
Stadtbibliothek Zentrum - Lernwelt L0
Gewerbemuseumsplatz 4
90403 Nürnberg
Eintritt frei
Anmeldung erbeten, Teilnahme auch ohne Voranmeldung willkommen
Veranstalter: Bildungszentrum im Bildungscampus, in Kooperation mit der Stadtbibliothek