Do you think that Meistersingerhalle would be the perfect location for your event? We will be glad to assist you in planning the necessary arrangements. We can provide you with information about the specific features of our rooms, give you a price estimate and answer any questions.
Just call us or email so we can get in touch.
On request, we can also arrange a visit to our premises, without obligation, and we can put you in touch with our service partners, if necessary.
Our friendly and helpful staff will be happy to assist you in making your event a reality.
A list of contacts below:
Ms. Petra Baierlipp
Great Hall/Great Foyer for concerts and celebratory events
Telephone 09 11 / 2 31-80 13
Fax 09 11 / 2 31-80 16
To encoded transmission of your message
Ms. Karin Freunek
Small Hall/Small Foyer for company events and exhibition
Telephone 09 11 / 2 31-80 10
Fax 09 11 / 2 31-80 16
To encoded transmission of your message
Ms. Doris Mirus
conference rooms 1-5, 8, 9
Telephone 09 11 / 2 31-80 14
Fax 09 11 / 2 31-80 16
To encoded transmission of your message
Ms. Ute Monzer
conference rooms 6, 7
Telephone 09 11 / 2 31-80 15
Fax 09 11 / 2 31-80 16
To encoded transmission of your message