Office for European Issues

The Office for European Issues is the main contact point for EU-affairs of the City of Nuremberg.

In particular the tasks of the Office for European Issues are the following:

  • obtaining, evaluating and distributing information about EU initiatives, funding opportunities, and legislative procedures for municipal departments and enterprises
  • setup of contacts to the EU Institutions and EU-related organizations as well as the exchange of experiences and cooperation within networks on local, regional, national and European level
  • support and organization of EU-events
  • coordinating the “EU-Team” across all departments of the City of Nuremberg.
  • information about the EU for the public (see also EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg)

On the one hand, the Office for European Issues focuses on raising the profile of Nuremberg in Europe. On the other, it analyzes and reacts to the impacts EU-policies have on the local level.

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