EU statistics

We provide selected sources for statistical data on various EU topics on this page.


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Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxemburg. It has the task of providing the Union with European statistical data which enables comparisons between countries and regions. Eurostat therefore provides a spectrum of data that may be used by governments, enterprises, education establishments, journalists and the wider public in their work or in their everyday life.

Statistics can answer many questions. Is unemployment in the EU increasing or decreasing? Have CO2 emissions increased in the past 10 years? How many women are in paid employment? How strong is Germany's economy in comparison to other EU countries?

You can find answers to these and other questions on the pages of Eurostat:


What do the people in Europe think about Europe? Eurobarometer conducts comprehensive surveys on the public opinion towards the EU and EU-related matters and also on subjects of political or social nature. In addition to the bi-annual standard surveys, there are also “flash” and “special” surveys addressing particular topics, such as the future of Europe or climate change.

For public opinion analysis throughout Europe:

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