European networks

Cities and regions have formed various associations at European level. They are interested in contributing to the making of European policies and to inter-regional cooperation. This page briefly introduces the most important European networks and provides the relevant links.

The City of Nuremberg is in contact with all these networks or is itself a member.


Logo Eurocities

Eurocities is a network of more than 200 major cities from across 38 European countries. It supports the involvement of cities in the European political process and in addition facilitates the planning and implementation of transnational projects between cities. With several specialised working groups and forums, such as the “Economic Development Forum“, Eurocities builds up specific knowledge in various fields and contributes urban viewpoints to the European decision making level.


Logo Metrex

Metrex is the network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas. It provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience on metropolitan affairs. Furthermore, the network’s activities include expert groups dealing with topics of mutual interest and projects.

Council of European Municipalities and Regions


The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is a Europe-wide association of municipal and regional governments. In Germany, the CEMR represents around 800 cities, towns, municipalities and districts involved in European affairs. In particular, the services provided by the CEMR include making municipalities “fit for Europe”, informing them about EU funding opportunities and supporting cooperation between municipalities.

European Office of the Bavarian Local Authorities


The European Office of the Bavarian Local Authorities represents the Bavarian towns, cities, counties and districts in Brussels. Its tasks consist of disseminating information on EU initiatives and legislative procedures relevant to local authorities, representing local authorities’ interests to the European institutions, and providing guidance to local authorities on the implementation of legal provisions from Brussels.

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