Do you have questions about the European Union?

The EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg is your local contact point for EU-affairs.

We offer:

  • free publications about the European Union
  • answers concerning EU policies, funding opportunities and legislation
  • information events about the EU
  • an opportunity to give feedback to EU organizations
  • cooperation with other EU contact points at local, regional, national and European level

Currently there are about 435 EUROPE DIRECTs in the EU member states. They serve as direct link between the citizens and the EU institutions and are the first point of contact in providing answers to all EU-related questions.

Logo of the EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg

The EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg is located in the Department for Economic Affairs & Science of the City of Nuremberg. It receives financial support from the European Commission.

Internship at the EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg

The EUROPE DIRECT Nuremberg offers internships of 2 to 3 months’ duration. Please see the following advertisement for more information.

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