EU News

Zeitung, die auf einem aufgeklapptem Laptop liegt

Are you looking for information on the latest developments in the EU?

This is a selection of websites for up-to-date information about the European Union.

News from "EUvsDisinfo"

EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force. It was established in 2015 to better forecast, address, and respond to the Russian Federation’s ongoing disinformation campaigns affecting the European Union, its Member States, and countries in the shared neighbourhood.

EUvsDisinfo’s core objective is to increase public awareness and understanding of the Kremlin’s disinformation operations, and to help citizens in Europe and beyond develop resistance to digital information and media manipulation.

EU Newsroom

You may find the latest news from the EU institutions, agencies and bodies at:

News from the European Parliament

You may find the latest news from the European Parliament here:

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