Nuernberg 16. Juli 2009: SdMR. (Foto: Birgit Fuder/Stadt Nuernberg)

Human Rights Office City of Nuremberg

Alliance against Right-Wing Extremism in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region

Franconia and particularly the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region has become one of the main action areas for the extreme right, openly forging links with the times of the Nazi dictatorship when Franconia was a stronghold of the NSDAP. In many cities, municipalities and districts the right-wing activities have become a firm fixture of everyday life.

One dangerous aspect is the neo-Nazi’s attempts at influencing young people with their ideology, for example by offering tented camps, rock concerts, handing out CDs with extreme rights-wing music and propaganda material near schools, and using the internet to spread their ideas.

This is why in March 2009 an “Alliance Against Right-Wing Extremism in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region” was established. By now, about 140 cities and districts, as well as 148 organisation of civil society have joined the Alliance.

The Alliance set itself the following goals

  • Increasing the struggle against extreme right-wing ideologies
  • Promoting public awareness of right-wing extremism in order to enlighten the people in our region about the true aims of the Nazi demagogues
  • Intensifying preventive measures to address the causes of right-wing extremism, especially in educational establishments and particularly in schools
  • Sharing information, experiences and best practice examples by holding conferences and through a website and newsletter
  • Strengthening networking and cooperation of municipalities and organisations from civil society.

Further information