Prizewinner 2023
Malcolm Bidali from Kenya for his admirable courage in speaking out against the abuse and exploitation of immigrant workers in Qatar.
Malcolm Bidali from Kenya for his admirable courage in speaking out against the abuse and exploitation of immigrant workers in Qatar.
The activist Sayragul Sauytbay has publicized the conditions in Chinese punishment and re-education camps for ethnic minorities.
Rodrigo Mundaca / Modatima (Chile) for his remarkable courage fight for the fundamental right to water
Group "Caesar" for its courage in bringing the systematic torture and mass murders in Syria to the attention of the world public
Amirul Haque Amin (Bangladesh) for his fight for workers' rights in the textile and garment industry
Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera (Uganda) for her courageous fight against homophobia and for sexual self-determination in Uganda
Hollman Morris (Colombia) for his commitment to respect for human rights in Colombia.
Abdolfattah Soltani (Iran) for his struggle for human rights in his home country.
Eugénie Musayidire (Rwanda) for her reconciliation work between the two enemy tribes, the Hutu and the Tutsi, in Rwanda.
Tamara Chikunova (Uzbekistan) for her engagement against death penalty and torture.
Ibn Abdur Rehman (Pakistan) and Teesta Setalvad (India) for their committed fight against prejudice, hatred and violence.
Bischop Samuel Ruíz García (Mexico) for his struggle for the rights of indigenous peoples.
Fatimata M'Baye (Mauritania) for her fight against discrimination of black African ethnic groups.
Abe J. Nathan (Israel) and Khémaïs Chammari (Tunesia) for their peace activities in the Middle East.
Sergej Kovalev (Russia) for his committed fight against the war in Chechnya.