Nuremberg has never denied or ignored its role during the Nazi era, but rather has dealt with it in a comprehensive and controversial way. Numerous initiatives, both by the city and by citizens’ groups, faced up to the questions of why Nuremberg was embroiled in the National Socialist rogue regime and what tasks this brought for the future. In 1985, the exhibition “Fascination and Terror” in the Zeppelin Grandstand was intended as a first point of access to the history of the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds and the city during the Nazi era. This exhibition has meanwhile been integrated into the comprehensive information presented in the Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds.
In 1993, the “Way of Human Rights” was presented to the public in Nuremberg. Each of its pillars is inscribed with a short version of one of the 30 articles of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” of 1948. The work of art created by the Israeli artist, Dani Karavan, reminds us of the darkest chapters of German and Nuremberg history, but at the same time also symbolises the victory of humanity over barbarism and nurtures hopes of a world where all people may live in dignity, peace and freedom.
The “Memorium Nuremberg Trials” points to Nuremberg as the venue of one of the milestones of international law: at the historic site, it provides information about the history, the course and the repercussions of the International Military Tribunal which tried the leading representatives of the Nazi regime.
In the planned future Academy Nuremberg Principles, criminal law relating to crimes against international law is to be explored and further developed, with a focus on legitimacy, acceptance and legality.