Since 1999, every two years the Nuremberg Human Rights Film Festival has presented a week of committed feature and documentary films from all over the world. The film productions provide information about the social and political situation in their respective countries, as an incentive towards human responsibility, and as an encouragement to make a commitment to change.
Structure and Goals of the Festival
The independent festival is designed and organised by a non-profit-making association. The aim of the event is to use the medium of film to make the wider public more aware of the issue of human rights. The main programme, the “International Forum” takes a look at current trends and development in the cultures of the world. The films report on living conditions for people at the beginning of the 21st century. They denounce human rights violations or describe positive examples for overcoming these violations.
A selection of these films takes part in the competition for the “Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Award”. An international jury comprising film and human rights experts decides on the winner of this award which is endowed with a 5,000 Euro prize.
The supplementary programmes include highlights of the work of a particularly committed director, an in-depth look at a current topic, or information on the situation in a selected country. The film festival is intended to trigger discussions and provide information which will lead to communication. Numerous directors and filmmakers from various countries contribute to this goal. The festival is supplemented by an exhibition showcasing a related topic, with discussions, workshops, lectures and concerts.
Open Eyes – Human Rights Films for Schools
The annual Open Eyes School Performances are intended to sensitise young people to human rights issues via the medium of film and the learning environment of the cinema, and at the same time to strengthen their media competence.