Prof. Dr. Theo van Boven, Netherlands
Professor emeritus of international Law at the University
of Maastricht; former UN-Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture; former Director of the UN-Division for Human Rights; former Acting Registrar of the “International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”
Prof. Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi, India
Professor of History and Political Science; former member of the Indian Senate; former leader of the Indian Delegation at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva
Prof. Dr. Maurice Glèlè-Ahanhanzo, Benin
Professor of Law; Member of the UN Human Rights Committee; Member of the Constitutional Court of Benin and President of the Institute for Human Rights and Promotion of Democracy; UN-Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance (till 2002); he contributed as an expert to the draft of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights;
Václav Havel, Czech Republic
Former President of the Czech Republic; Co-founder of the Civil Rights Movement Charta 77
Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog, Germany
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany; former Chairman of the Working Committee for a European Charter of Fundamental Rights; former President of the Federal German Constitutional Court
Maître Daniel Jacoby, France
Lawyer; Honorary President of the »Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme« (F.I.D.H.)
Dr. Asma Jahangir, Pakistan
Lawyer; former UN-Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions; Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Dani Karavan, Israel
Internationally highly reputed artist who created the “Way of Human Rights” in Nuremberg in 1993
Koïchiro Matsuura, Japan
Then Director-General of the UNESCO; former Japanese Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs; former Ambassador
Prof. Dr. José Míguez Bonino, Argentina
Then President of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights in Argentina; former President of the World Council of Churches
Ludwig Scholz, Deutschland (till 2002)
Then Lord Mayor of the City of Nuremberg; September 2005 he died unexpectedly
Dr. Ulrich Maly, Germany (from 2002)
Lord Mayor of the City of Nuremberg