Nuernberg 16. Juli 2009: SdMR. (Foto: Birgit Fuder/Stadt Nuernberg)

Human Rights Office City of Nuremberg

Nuremberg Award for Business Culture without Discrimination

For many years, the City of Nuremberg and its citizens have been making major efforts to realize human rights at a local level, too, and thus honor the City's self-commitment to be a city of peace and human rights. They pay particular attention to the struggle against racism and discrimination in all walks of life and in all work situations. Business companies in particular can make many and varied contributions to a culture of human rights. This comprises all sorts of strategies from the employment of migrants and equal opportunity strategies, via safeguarding workers' representative participation right through to compliance with working norms, for example the ban of forced labor and child labor in foreign supply companies.

In order to underline the major importance of business companies and to emphasize their role as models, the City of Nuremberg presents the "Nuremberg Award for Company Culture without Discrimination" every two years, starting with the first award in 2010. The award is intended to honor local companies which are committed to the protection of the dignity and rights of all their staff and to supporting the City in its activities against racism and discrimination, beyond the scope stipulated by legal norms.

The presentation of the award is linked to the Nuremberg Peace Banquet in September. The award consists of an award sculpture and a certificate.