Nuernberg 16. Juli 2009: SdMR. (Foto: Birgit Fuder/Stadt Nuernberg)

Human Rights Office City of Nuremberg

Human Rights Office

On the background of its history during the National Socialist reign of terror, the City of Nuremberg feels particularly committed to human rights. It therefore adopted the motto of "Nuremberg – City of Peace and Human Rights" and established a municipal Human Rights Office. The office's tasks include planning, organising and co-ordinating human rights activities within the city, in co-operation with numerous partners.


One essential task is the organisation of the presentation of the "Nuremberg International Human Rights Award" which since 1995 has been awarded every two years to persons committed to human rights in an exemplary way and at considerable personal risk. The City of Nuremberg continues supporting the awardees after the presentation of the award, for example by supporting their human rights projects in their respective home countries. These projects are granted additional funding by donations from Nuremberg citizens, by the foundation "Nuremberg – City of Peace and Human Rights" and by the "Peace Banquet", a benefit dinner reminiscent of a historic banquet in 1649.

Further Core Activities

  • organising international human rights conferences,
  • organising the international media forum,
  • co-operating with the United Nations and UNESCO,
  • organising Nuremberg's participation in the UN "Global Compact“,
  • co-operating in the network "European Cities for Human Rights",
  • co-operating in the "German Human Rights Film Award",
  • organising the "Peace Table", a party for Nuremberg's population involving people from many different origins,
  • developing projects for human rights education in Nuremberg schools,
  • supporting projects for human rights education in the Documentation Centre Party Rally Grounds,
  • chairing the Round Table "Fair Toys" with companies from the toy sector,
  • co-ordinating the "Round Table Human Rights" comprising the churches, non-government organisations, and other institutions dealing with human rights issues.

Meanwhile Nuremberg's diverse efforts have been internationally recognised. In 2000, Nuremberg was the first municipality world-wide to be honoured with the UNESCO Award for Human Rights Education.