On September 24, 2023, the 15th Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was once again presented at the Nuremberg Opera House. This year's award honors Malcolm Bidali from Kenya, who experienced the abuse and exploitation of immigrant workers in Qatar as a security guard and then courageously spoke out publicly against it.
Due to the pandemic, the 14th Nuremberg International Human Rights Award ceremony did not take place in the fall of 2021, but on Sunday, May 15, 2022, at 11 a.m. in the Opera House. The Muslim Kazakh Sayragul Sauytbay, born in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, was honored for her admirable courage in reporting on the crimes committed against Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang region.
On Sunday, 22 September 2019, Rodrigo Mundaca from Chile was honored with the 13th International Nuremberg Human Rights Award at the Nuremberg Opera House. The award is for his courageous fight for free access to water in his home region of Petorca.
In one of the most moving presentation ceremonies the City of Nuremberg honoured "Group Caesar" for its courage in bringing the systematic torture and mass murders in Syria to the attention of the world public. The award ceremony took place on Sunday, 24 September 2017.
The 11th presentation of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award took place on September 27, 2015 in Nuremberg Opera House. The Award honoured Amirul Haque Amin for his struggle for better working conditions in the garment manufacturing industry.
In a motively award ceremony Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera received the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award on September 29, 2013 in Nuremberg Opera House.
The ninth presentation of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award took place on September 25, 2011 in Nuremberg Opera House. Award winner Hollman Morris described in his speech the inhumane situation in Latin America.
For the first time the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was awarded in absence of the prize winner. Award Winner Abdolfattah Soltani was seized by the Iranian authorities at Tehran airport.
The 7th presentation of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was held on September 30, 2007 in Nuremberg Opera House. The award honoured Eugénie Musayidire from Rwanda.
The 6th presentation of the 2005 Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was held on September 25 in Nuremberg Opera House. The prizewinner was the russian activist Tamara Chikunova.
The 5th presentation of the 2003 Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was held on September 14, 2003 in Nuremberg Opera House. Bruno Schnell, editor and publisher of the Nürnberger Nachrichten and Nürnberger Zeitung donated the award money.
The 4th presentation of the 2001 Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was held on September 16, 2001 in Nuremberg Opera House. The award winner was Bischop Samuel Ruíz García. Laudator was Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.
The 3rd presentation of the 1999 Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was held on September 26, 1999 in Nuremberg Opera House. Ms Fatimata M'Baye was awarded this prize in recognition of her fight against discrimination of black African ethnic groups.
The 2nd Award Ceremony took place on September 28th, 1997 in Nuremberg Opera House. The Award Money was donated by pop star Billy Joel. The award honoured Abe J. Nathan and Khémaïs Chammari for their peace activities in the Middle East.
The Nuremberg Human Rights Award was presented for the first time on September 17, 1995. The Russian citizens' rights activist Sergej Kovalev was awarded by this prize.