Nuernberg 16. Juli 2009: SdMR. (Foto: Birgit Fuder/Stadt Nuernberg)

Human Rights Office City of Nuremberg

2023 Human Rights Award Ceremony

The 15th Nuremberg International Human Rights Award ceremony took place on September 24, 2023. This year's recipient was Malcom Bidali from Kenya, who worked as a security guard in Qatar from 2018 to 2021, witnessed the exploitation and abuse of migrant workers there and then courageously reported it to the public.

Verleihung Internationaler Menschenrechtspreis an Malcolm Bidali, Image © Christine Dierenbach / Stadt Nürnberg
Mayor Marcus König, blogger and human rights activist Malcolm Bidali and jury member and laudator Morten Kjærum (from left) at the presentation of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award in the Opera House.

The certificate was presented by the mayor and the jury member Morten Kjærum, who also gave the laudatory speech for Bidali. The winner also received a replica of the arch of the Way of Human Rights and prize money of 25,000 euros.

Verleihung Internationaler Menschenrechtspreis an Malcolm Bidali, Image © Christine Dierenbach / Stadt Nürnberg

In his speech, mayor Marcus König once again described the special commitment of Malcolm Bidali, who continues to fight for the rights of migrant workers to this day. König addressed Bidali directly once again towards the end, saying that he "very much hopes that our award will give you the strength and support to carry on".
In his laudatory speech, Kjærum spoke about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and warned of the development of "more slaves than ever before" in the world.

Verleihung Internationaler Menschenrechtspreis an Malcolm Bidali, Image © Christine Dierenbach / Stadt Nürnberg
Interior Minister Herrmann with Malcolm Bidali and Marcus König (from left)

Also present was the Bavarian Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, who thanked the city of Nuremberg for its commitment in his welcoming address and praised prizewinner Bidali as a role model of an advocate of human rights.

Impressions of the 2023 Human Rights Award Ceremony

Further information

  • Malcolm Bidali<>