Irina Bokova
Irina Bokova was born on 12 July 1952 in Sofia/Bulgaria. She is married and has two grown-up children. She was elected as UNESCO Director-General on 15 October 2009. She is the first women as Head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Important Dates:
1995 - 1997
State Secretary on European Integration
1996 - 1997
Minister of Foreign Affairs
2001 - 2005
Member of Parliament
2005 - 2009
Ambassador to France and permanent delegate to UNESCO
since 2009
Director-General of UNESCO
Publications (selection):
Bulgaria and Ethnic Tensions in the Balkans, Mediterranean Quarterly
1999, 2000, 2001
Monitoring Bulgaria’s Accession to the European Union, European Policy Forum, Annual publications
Integration of South-Eastern Europe into the European Mainstream, Journal of South East and Black Sea Studies
Einbahnstraße EU-Erweiterung, Schüren Verlag, Marburg
Moreover, Irina Bokova wrote numerous articles on foreign policy and European integration issues.
[June 2011]