About 200 guests took part in the 2014 Peace Banquet in the historic City Hall, thereby showing their solidarity and support to the award winner of the International Nuremberg Human Rights Award Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera.
“Here in Nuremberg I found a new family,” said the youngest award winner so far.
Despite harassment from governmental as well as non-governmental sides, she do want to leave her home country and is trying to thwart an escalation of homophobia in Uganda through public discourse. It takes courage to publicly stand up for the rights of homosexuals as a lesbian. Despite international protests homosexuals are all too often treated as fair game in everyday life: On the streets they are being spit at, beaten up and persecuted. Kasha Nabagesera has this courage even though she can barely leave her apartment for fear of assault.
Her work against homophobia and for equality for LGBTI in Uganda can be continued with the proceeds from the Peace Banquet 2014.
Menu and Music
An integral part of the Peace Banquet is, of course, a special menu. Chef de cuisine Jürgen Ultsch and the team of the Arvena Park Hotel treated guests to the culinary delicacies of the gourmet restaurant “Arve”.
Last but not least the twelve singers of the “Trällerpfeifen”, Nuremberg’s gay men’s choir, brought a breath of fresh air to the stage.