Peace Banquet 2018
"A right is only lost when no one stands up for it."
This was the motto of the 2018 Peace Banquet. On October 20, 2018, the focus of the charity dinner was on supporting the human rights work of the 2017 award winners, the "Caesar Group". Behind the name is a former Syrian military photographer who, with the help of supporters, has brought more than 50,000 photos out of the country, including 28,000 of detainees who were killed in the prisons of the Syrian regime through torture or other ill-treatment. French journalist Garance Le Caisne, author of the book "Codename Caesar. In the heart of the Syrian death machine", took part in the peace banquet. In conversation with Klaus Rackwitz, Director of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, she impressively described the still oppressive situation of the prizewinner, who is still forced to live in hiding.
The Schlag family from the Arvena Park Hotel donated an exclusive dinner. The students of the school for floristry were once again responsible for the wonderful decorations. The evening was musically framed by Béatrice Kahl and Elke Wollmann with songs by Edith Piaf.