Kagwiria Mbogori wurde 1965 in Kenia geboren. Ihre breite Expertise umfasst sowohl die nationale als auch die internationale Ebene des Menschenrechtsschutzsystems. Als Vorsitzende der Nationalen Menschenrechtskommission in Kenia ist sie für die Umsetzung des gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Strategieplans der Kommission zuständig. Auftrag der Nationalen Menschenrechtskommission ist es, die Menschenrechte zu schützen und deren Umsetzung zu fördern.
Wichtige Daten:
Law Graduate from the University of Nairobi (LL.B)
Post graduate Diploma from the Kenya School of Law
Masters of Law from the University of Notre Dame (LL.M)
1994 - 1998
Ag Executive Director/Senior Programme Officer in the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya)
1998 -2003
Executive Director of the Kenya Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-Kenya)
2004 – 2006
Country Program Manager, UNIFEM, Liberia
2007 – 2013
Rule of Law Advisor, Human Rights Protection Section, UNMIL
2011 – 2013
Head of Advisory Unit, Legal Systems and Justice Systems Support Division, UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)
2013 -2014
Chief Technical Advisor for the Judiciary of South Sudan at United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Since 2014
Chairperson of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)
- Human Rights of Women in Conflict Situations, Florence Butegwa, Stella Mukasa and Kagwiria Mbogori, WiLDAF, 1995
- The Rights of “Mistresses” and “illegitimate children” in Kenya; a survey of maintenance and inheritance law. Unpublished, Honour paper written in partial fulfillment of LL.M Degree 1997
- Women and the Law in Kenya – Unpublished, Paper presented in a series of Seminars for Women Managers in the public sector, 2001
- Public Perception Index of the Judiciary, a quarterly publication of the ICJ – Kenya from 2000 – 2003, Editor